
Chloe Parr is a creator and a facilitator sharing art and practices that deepen our connection to Earth and Self. Her approach has been shaped by over a decade of journeying the inner and outer landscapes of consciousness - learning and growing through study, art, voice work, and somatic practices.

Since a teenager, she has been passionate about exploring the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of all life. Her quest to find answers to the deeper questions about life is constantly taking her in new directions and revealing new ways of relating and being.

At 18 she studied as an undergraduate in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics in York, UK, specialising in ancient spiritual texts from Eastern religions. During this time her interest in social structures and community organisation emerged. She spent time at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on work experience, and volunteered at community spaces in Ecuador. After finishing her degree she lived and worked in Barcelona, Spain for two years, before heading back to the UK to begin her Masters Degree in Religion and Global Development. Researching and writing on different topics such as sustainable development, Indigenous voices and geo-politics, she began to see the shadowy reality from which many of the structures and systems in our world have arisen. Her master's degree work became an initiation into the remembering of Indigenous, earth based wisdom as a key to creating real change in both our individual hearts and in the world on a global scale.

Study sessions became transmissions of information which led to deep processes and clearings within her. She was called deeper to explore occult magic and ritual. She began turning inwards, recognizing patterns and belief systems in herself and the collective. She sat with herself, and asked for more and more of herself to be revealed.

Since finishing her masters degree, Chloe has been working in and building community spaces for 4 years, holding group ceremonies and facilitating sound and movement workshops. Now on a journey of remembering the medicine of her native lands and Celtic blood, she weaves a prayer that we may connect deeper with our Earth as a guiding force to remember our true, sovereign, magical essence.

Through Singularity, she offers her service to those who also feel this prayer, as well as deepening in her own journey as an artist, witch and woman.

β€œIt is truly an honour to be a part of Singularity, to work with the revolutionaries, to hold space for all those who journey in self-inquiry, awaken to their true magic, and ultimately transform our world.”