

We see Singularity like a living organism where power is shared, human connection matters, and all is in service of our core purpose.

Singularity operates through a number of circles.

You can see the architecture and roles of these circles below.


Earth Circle

The role of this circle is oversight of the integrity and accountability of the other circles, particularly the Governance Circle.

Just as a board of directors makes sure a company is accountable to its stakeholders, the Earth Circle will make sure the work of Singularity remains accountable to truly representing the Earth as a whole, inclusive of all its various kingdoms and life spheres.

It will ultimately be composed of 12 individuals who are seen to represent humanity and the Earth. They will come from different backgrounds, cultures, and generations.

Their role will also be to assess and oversee the appointment of leaders in Singularity, including national representatives and the core lead (currently Jon Eden Khan).

Only leaders who are recognised as truly representing the Earth as a whole, and who exemplify deep purpose, embodiment, integrity, and who have engaged extensive personal healing, shadow and trauma work, will hold such positions of leadership in Singularity.

Governance Circle

The Governance Circle will be composed of the core lead as well as the leads from the Purpose Circle, the International Policy Circle, the Pillars Circle and the Operations Circle.

Their role is:

  • To coordinate operations across the party internationally and nationally

  • To maintain the coherence of the collective field of the party

  • To hold the context of Singularity’s global purpose for the whole of the Singularity field

  • To embody the principles it stands for

Purpose Circle

This circle is composed of individuals that hold the anchor point for the core of Singularity, which is sourced in identification with the singularity of Earth and the fundamental unity of all reality.

 International Policy Circle

The International Policy Council translates the needs and health of the whole Earth-system into policy for all the major domains of human activity, which can then be drawn on by the rest of the party, at international and national levels.

 Pillars Circle

This circle is composed of those who hold point for the financial support for Singularity internationally.

They are women and men who are called to channel wealth into the transformational shifts that must happen on the planet, that have access to wealth, and who feel called to facilitate its generation in support of Singularity.  

Operations Circle

This circle is responsible for marketing, outreach, party visibility, and creative output. Their role is to maximise Singularity’s presence in the public sphere in a way people can feel and find their connection to the work.

National Representatives

National representatives will represent Singularity by standing in political elections in their respective nations. They will be how Singularity moves into an actual position of transnational power in the world.

To be a National Representative of Singularity the candidate must be recognised by the Earth Circle to fulfil the following criteria:

  • The individual must be felt to truly represent the Earth and humanity

  • They must be dedicated to addressing current global, national and local issues from that perspective

  • They must be recognised as having a clear alignment with the soul and journey of their nation

  • They must demonstrate the emotional, communication and social maturity to be able to synergistically collaborate with others

  • They must demonstrate adequate integration of mind and body, masculine and feminine within themself

  • They must be felt as trustable in their eros

  • They must have taken responsibility for their shadows and traumas

  • They must be fully committed to seeing their role as a national representative all the way through the campaign and election process


Singularity is dedicated to building a wider and wider field of global members.

Membership of Singularity signals an individual’s alignment with Singularity’s mission.

Membership of Singularity is free. While for most political parties there is a monthly or yearly membership fee, we feel there cannot be trade and exchange dynamics involved in Singularity membership. Donations to support the party and its work are welcome, and membership is freely available to all.