
Monadic Politics
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Monadic Politics

Monadic politics starts with the ageless truth that the true nature of reality is one indivisible Life, whose power, love, and creativity vibrates through all things, and that resides in the core of every heart.

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International Relations
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

International Relations

If we are willing to go to the root of things, the history of international relations is one characterised by a quest among our nations for power, superiority, and for ownership of land.

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Nation-States: To Transcend or Evolve?
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Nation-States: To Transcend or Evolve?

There are several visionary ideas circulating today that present alternatives to the nation-state model.

From bioregions to city states to transnational unions like the EU to digitally connected network states, these models see the current nation-state model as an outcome of capitalistically driven, nature-disconnected humans, with nation-states now being past their use by date and no longer fit for purpose.

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Politics Beyond Polarisation
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Politics Beyond Polarisation

Liz Truss’ government in Britain has collapsed in a downward spiral of chaotically polarised drama beyond anything seen in a long time.

Indeed, the level of crisis radiating from the whole affair has highlighted just what a fractured place partisan politics has led us to.

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Liberation in Iran
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Liberation in Iran

Many Western people will be watching the protests in Iran, supportive of progressive change and the cause of women’s liberation, while also feeling a certain distance from the process.

And yet, a deeper understanding of the history of what is unfolding in Iran dissolves the illusion of that distance and reveals how interconnected our paths of injustice and liberation truly are.

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Ukraine: Battleground Between Globalisation and Nationalism
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Ukraine: Battleground Between Globalisation and Nationalism

More and more it seems Ukraine has become a battleground between the forces of globalisation (represented by the USA / the collective West / NATO and some parts of Ukraine) and nationalism (represented by Russia and other parts of Ukraine).

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The Overturning of Roe vs. Wade
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

The Overturning of Roe vs. Wade

What if we could feel a passionate stand for the sacred in both sides the pro-life vs pro-choice polarisation?

What if we could feel ourselves as the single Life standing up in both of these positions?

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True Power
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

True Power

In order for humanity and the earth to thrive, a new form of power must exist at the heart of our systems of governance, leadership and politics.

A power that plugs us into the whole, rather than being fought over by the parts.

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The War in Ukraine
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

The War in Ukraine

Western media is clear about who is to blame for the war in Ukraine.

Russian media is also clear.

Anyone who takes the time to look into the longer-term genesis of this conflict will discover that the situation is not so clear.

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Representing the Whole
Jon Darrall-Rew Jon Darrall-Rew

Representing the Whole

Singularity stands for a new form of representation.

One where those entrusted to represent us do so on the basis of having realised the singularity of humanity, life and the earth within them.

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