International Policy Circle

The International Policy Circle is an open, participatory network of individuals around the world who are collaborating to translate Singularity’s planetary orientation into policy positions on the major issues of our time.

The policy positions generated in this process can be drawn on by Singularity national cells and representatives as they take action in their local, regional, and national politics to bring solutions that are sourced in a radically different alignment - the single living whole.

Just like open source software, where someone innovates a breakthrough idea and then makes it available to others to explore and improve upon, the International Policy Circle invites people to pool information and ideas on the best ways humanity can address the major issues of our time.

The International Policy Circle is open for anyone who feels aligned with Singularity’s mission, called to participate and is collectively iterative in a way that harnesses collective intelligence to form the most effective policy positions possible, and who is able to collaborate smoothly.

We currently have the following areas of focus active:

  • Israel-Palestine

  • Climate

  • Education

  • Ending human slavery

  • Critical minerals

  • Regeneration of nature

When someone participates in the International Policy Circle, they can start a new area of focus and / or contribute to those already active.

In addition to the process being open to all, we are also inviting the contributions of individuals who have outstanding knowledge and experience in various fields of activity.

If you’re interested to participate, fill in the form below.