

Our Approach to Funding

Much of politics has been corrupted by financial interests. Politicians and parties become intertwined with special interest groups in a way that compromises their integrity and purpose to serve the people.

Politicians want power. Politics serves the money they think can help them get it. That money serves elites. Those elites jostle for more power while those less fortunate struggle. People then distrust politics and politicians.  

Singularity represents a different approach.

We are dedicated to the integration of power, integrity, transparency, and generating an abundant well of economic resources to support our work and its impact in the world.

We are dedicated to the flourishing of the whole Earth system in a way that channels the money raised in our work towards humanity re-membering itself as an expression of the singularity of Earth and its community of kingdoms.  

We invite people to financially support our work so it can grow and gain the capacity to reach humanity on wider and wider scales.

We are inviting donations of whatever people feel aligned to offer in support, as well as the opportunity for those who can offer more to step in as financial pillars for this party and movement.

What will your money be used for?

We will use it to:

  • Pay our team

  • Pay for Singularity events to expand our work

  • Pay for advertising to promote our work globally and nationally

  • Fund campaigns for Singularity representatives to win in national elections

And what will you receive in return for donating?


Except…the experience of knowing you are financially supporting a political party that is dedicated to a radical shift on the planet, so that the core focus of politics and governance, globally and across nations, is sourced in the singularity of Earth and its rising in every heart.

And, annual accounts reports for 100% transparency.

And if you sign up to our email list we’ll keep you updated on our steps in this journey.

You can donate below.