
Isioma Kasim: I was born and bred here in Nigeria where I acquired Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I have also taught in four Nigerian universities, and for very few and infrequent trips abroad, I have practically spent all my life here; because Nigeria, for me, is such a country where it is very easy to see and feel the super-abundant gifts of life gushing forth in charming vibrancy and endless differentiations – be it through the land or the people or the cultures; because whether walking through the vibrant and bustling street or hiding away in the seclusion of my home, I do not find any easy escape from the heart-break of seeing and feeling the misery and sorrow and suffering and trauma on the faces of the throngs of people everywhere who are struggling for no more than just to make a living. The super-abundance of the gifts of the earth are almost in excess to be denied; at the same time the super-abundance in lack and suffering is undeniable. This is the shameful testament of the profligacy and prodigality of leadership here in Nigeria. A heart-breaking testament.

In this heart-break I found my call to this land; for though I may have no magic wand to instantaneously turn the misery all around into joy or multiply five loaves and two fishes to feed the throng of the hungry, I can surrender my space as a channel through which the forces of evolution, seeking to establish desirable and desired leadership practices sourced from the dark, can anchor here.

For me, this is the land to till, to play with and in, and in which to allow life to dance and pour its ecstatic current to reconstruct and recondition. This is the sound of Singularity that roars in my heart.

Please join us if you feel this.