
Olivia Jensen is a Leadership Mentor, Transformational Guide and Intimacy Educator. Her rich career spans the practical and the mystical and meets in a place of love and soul fire.

Olivia spent her early career working in the cornerstone of British politics amongst those who pull the levers of power within the British political system and media. Following an intuitive call to New Zealand, Olivia worked as an Advisor and Strategist in the Care and Protection system focussing on Indigenous rights and the strategic direction of one of the most fraught areas of New Zealand society.

Olivia has a BA in History and Politics and saw herself committed to a career of change-making from inside the corridors of power. She has worked as Assistants and Advisors to some of the most influential people of the day in the political arena. However after nearly 10 years in the corporate world, it became clear that Olivia had more to offer than could be achieved from behind a desk and followed a path of esotericism and spiritual study. 

Olivia has spent many years immersed in esoteric study and leading edge technologies of awakening, personal growth and healing. She has spent thousands of hours immersed in transformational soul work and supporting others to awaken and emerge. As a Dakini and Tantric massage therapist she has supported hundreds of clients to ignite their lifeforce and enjoy a life of deep meaning. She is the co-founder of The Dakini Academy, a school of Tantra and ceremonial arts.

Olivia weaves her experiences from the frameworks of conventional power and the mysteries of soul to meet you with depth, integrity and a burning fire to serve humanity in this time of global chaos and unfoldment.

Olivia lives for the wild untouched beauty of the natural world and is currently exploring life in Italy with her partner and her beloved rescue dog.

Learn more about Olivia’s work at: