Monadic Politics


Monad: from the Ancient Greek μονάς (monas) meaning 'unity', and μόνος (monos) meaning 'alone'.

“Wherever there is other, there is fear.”- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Singularity is an emerging transnational political party working towards global governance sourced in the One Life in the core of the Earth, all humanity, and all kingdoms of nature by 2050.

We are dedicated to a radically different approach to politics, leadership, and governance.

One that we call ‘monadic politics’.

Monadic politics starts with the ageless truth that the true nature of reality is one indivisible Life, whose power, love, and creativity vibrates through all things.

That as the mystical core of our spiritual and religious traditions tell us, this Life is transcends, pervades, and is arising as the whole universe.

And as such, it resides in the core of every heart, and at the core of the Earth, and all kingdoms of nature.

Monadic politics is about the application of this awakening so that it doesn’t remain only the luxury of mystics, meditators, and contemplatives sitting on mountain tops, in caves, or retreat centres.

But rather it becomes the foundation stone for a new civilisation.

Starting on this basis as we do in Singularity fundamentally transfigures our perspectives on the major issues of our time - global economic instability, rising inflation, international wars, the ecological crisis, geo-political conflicts, exponential tech, and pervasive culture wars.

The reality of the One at the core of our being is beyond all separation, schism, and difference.

Experiencing it even for just a moment reveals the root nature of reality as inherent unity, totality, indivisible life, and opens us to identification as that One.

This vanishes the illusions of separation that drive all conflict, polarisation, tribalism, and schism. The kind of which that have become so endemic in our systems of politics, leadership, and governance.

Of course the other layers of our humanity are still there. We still have personal preferences, things we deeply care about, feelings, and embodied experiences that are often awkward and a bit messy. This is no instant and final enlightenment. But something in us is fundamentally changed.

And when this is our starting point, it naturally produces approaches to political engagement that start with the indivisible living whole rather than the fractured parts. That’s why in Singularity our starting point is planetary, being focussed on the health, needs, and thriving of the Earth as One.

Unlike politics today, which is so often fuelled by kneejerk reactivity, normalised polarisation, and endless mental arguments, monadic politics is a practice.

This practice requires our full dedication, presence, and the vulnerability of surrendering to being lived by a reality so much greater than ourselves.

It asks that we come to the core of our own heart, give our consent to the death of the illusion of separation, and make ourselves available to the One Life that resides there.

When this surrender is authentic, there is a rush of remembrance of that One through our heart. And as the current of this reality washes through us, it breaks us open.

It surfaces the grief, rage, and fear that come with the illusion of separation in a great upwelling of feeling. We are asked to create space to feel this pain and welcome its medicine that can reconnect us with the truth of things.

This approach is not an endless peeling of the layers of the onion of our collective issues. It is an instantaneous flash of the indivisible One at the core of our own being, all beings, the Earth, and cosmos, and its current of sacred will, love, and creativity.

Imagine if the UN general assembly began with this practice.

Imagine if the sessions of parliaments around the world began with this practice.

Imagine if the arguments around aid trucks getting into Gaza began with this practice. 

Imagine if this was the foundation for approaching the most divisive issues of our time - economic inequality, religious conflicts, racial inequality, wars such as Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Sudan and Myanmar, immigration, gun control, etc.

Of course there are critical steps beyond the practice described here that require healing, trust building, and meaningful action to enact the needed changes.

And, starting with this radical, at-the-root disposition of surrender, to open us to the One Life in our core and in all cores, as the basis for how we then show up politically, is the first principle of Singularity.

It is the basis of monadic politics.


Israel-Palestine: Exploring Singularity's Approach to Lasting Peace


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