One-Party Global Governance – What Could Go Wrong?


“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Lord Acton

Human beings fear and lust for power. The attraction is status, control, freedom, and the unrestrained fulfilment of our desires. The fear is of abuses of power, exploitation, domination, and of power wielded utterly without love.

We have abundant examples of power that has been misused and abused.

Adolf Hitler. Idi Amin. Charles Taylor. Pol Pot. And to a lesser degree, Richard Nixon.

As a result, Western democracies tend to perceive that power is best curtailed among the parties involved, who must compete to demonstrate their merit to hold it for a limited period.

In this light, the idea of a one-party world governance – of a transnational party like Singularity gaining power across a significant number of nations to wield influence globally – is terrifying.

Even in the face of complex global issues whose parameters extend way beyond the purview of any one nation, or even one group of nations to solve, we still have huge resistance to the emergence of global super-structures, movements, and parties that would have the reach to navigate them.

Fundamentally, we don’t trust ourselves with that kind of power. Certainly not our politicians, who ironically and tragically, as those who represent us, are invested with the least trust and the most suspicion possible.

The safety measures in the architecture of Western democracies are far from perfect. They still contain all kinds of loopholes for political, moral, and material corruption. And yet they embody a real contribution to the evolution of our relationship to power.

They embody humility. A recognition that we human beings are fallible and corruptible, just as Lord Action said.

The truth we must face though, is that as noble as that humility is, the political structures it engenders are unfit to meet the challenges of our time.

We face a global meta-crisis that demands that we evolve to a new level, individually and collectively. And critical in this is the evolution of our relationship to power.

Singularity is meeting this challenge head on. We are drawing on and implementing the best leadership development and assessment work from the private sector and some of the best psycho-spiritual-somatic work from the arena of self-development and initiation. We’re doing this to develop leaders who are operating from genuinely world-centric levels of consciousness, integrity, expertise, embodiment, open-heartedness, and unity with the whole.

We see leadership as a sacred vocation of representing the whole, not just in our visions, agendas, and plans, but in the very nature of our being. We are developing rigorous pathways of leadership training, initiation, and development that support individuals to evolve into and embody what it truly means to represent the whole, in body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit.

We are creating a culture of rugged accountability within our ecosystem where each leader makes themselves fully available for critical feedback and reflection on how they are showing up, and whether it is in alignment with the quality of leadership we are collectively dedicated to.

And additionally, with our Earth Circle, we are setting up a community to oversee the workings of Singularity as a whole, to provide critical feedback and hold us accountable to the purity and inclusivity of our mission.

Imagine a transnational political party like this, with its community of representatives across nations being elected into power to hold a point for how the health, needs, and thriving of the whole earth system can be served in their nation. And imagine that as a result of the emergence of this party, others like it are also arising and creating a field of parties each seeking to represent and serve the whole in the best way.

Is that not a more compelling vision than the situation we currently have of isolated nation states lead by polarised political groups with polarised agendas that never really manage to navigate issues facing the whole?

Of course it remains to be seen what kind of growth and impact Singularity will have in the world.

And yet, a core part of our work is to prove that power only corrupts corruptible human beings, and that we all have the potential to unfold the love, wisdom, power, purpose, and compassion invested in our humanity, and become incorruptible.

This is the foundation of Singularity leadership.


Toward a New Economics of Planetary Abundance, Synergy, and Health


International Relations