Sign up for Singularity Membership


Singularity membership is free and open to all.

And we see the process of becoming a Singularity member as a significant act.

One that involves a willingness to align one’s life with the principle’s Singularity stands for, and to become a pillar of this movement in the world.

When someone becomes a member of Singularity we send that person a small piece of obsidian stone, sourced from the Earth consciously and with respect, and invite them to conduct a ritual for themselves.

One that can invite them into the global community of Singularity members who are holding a point for a new approach to power, leadership, and governance in the world.

In that ritual, we invite them to go to a piece of land that they feel connected to and inspired by, and infuse that stone with their consent to the death of the separation-based paradigm within them, and align their will with the one Earth, the one humanity, and the power in the core of their heart, to catalyse them into creative action in the world.

We then invite them to bury the stone in that place, thereby anchoring another point on the planet for this work, where they can return any time in the future when needed to reconnect to their inspiration.

And we ask them to share a picture or video of them doing this ritual on social media to spread the word of this movement so that others can feel if they are also called to stand for it.

Singularity members from across the world are connected through a Telegram group, which supports us to become emissaries of this movement to support its growth in the world.

If you feel a clear yes to this process, fill in the form below, and become a member of Singularity.

*While the stone we send out is freely given, we ask people to cover the postage and packaging costs.

These are:

  • Germany: €5.19

  • Countries within the EU (outside of Germany): €13.19

  • Countries outside of the EU: €18.19

  • Within the USA: $5

  • Russia, & Australia: €21.19

When you fill out the form below, those outside the USA please also send a payment to cover these costs via Paypal to:

Those inside the USA please send $5 via Paypal to: