Representing the Whole

In democratic societies, the elected officials who participate in government are considered to represent their people, whether locally, nationally or internationally.

While there are, no doubt, many representatives who undertake this role with a sincere commitment to best serve those who elected them, there are abundant examples of representatives becoming co-opted by special interest groups, lobbyists, and corruption.  

Singularity stands for a new form of representation.

One where those entrusted to represent us do so on the basis of having realised the singularity of humanity, life and the earth within them.

This might sound to some like spiritual woo-woo.

To some it might be.

And yet there is a fuller perspective available here.

Since the 1960’s there has been an explosion of awareness, research and information on self-development in the West.

At the leading edge of this movement, pioneers in multiple fields have been bringing their insights together to create a truly integrative picture of optimal human flourishing and leadership.

This has involved integrating the transformational practices of ancient traditions with modern bio-psycho-social research on adult development, psychotherapy, somatics, leadership development, optimal human biology and neuroscience.

What has become unquestionably clear is that the higher reaches of human potential are real and accessible.

These levels of development bring massive increases in a human being’s access to:

  • Compassion

  • Altruistic purpose

  • Well-being

  • Capacity for complex cognition and integrative decision making

  • Neuroplasticity

  • Embodied presence

  • Gratitude

  • Capacity for conflict resolution

  • Unity-consciousness

  • Effective leadership

These insights have not landed yet in politics.

There is no demand as yet that those we entrust to lead and represent humanity should embody levels of human development that best fit them to truly represent the whole.

The costs of not doing so, however, are clear to see.

Failings of leadership, integrity, and character have become norms expected of our elected representatives.

Vast numbers of people expect that their leaders are corrupt, self-serving, dishonest and untrustable, and the apathy and polarisation so rife in politics is directly related to this.

With challenges of unprecedented global complexity increasingly unavoidable in the global life, this is an untenable situation for how humanity does governance, leadership and power.

We must evolve our approaches here, based on an integration of the very best awareness we have of what fits human beings to be maximally effective to serve the whole.

We must entrust representation to those who are maximally able to lead from identification with the whole.

This is possible.

In advanced stages of transformational human growth, the singularity of the whole starts to wake up in an individual.

They literally start to experience the core of their being as one with the core of all other beings, with that core infused with freedom, power, love and massive creative capacity.

This allows an individual to operate from a place where the whole of humanity, all life and the earth are welling up within their heart as one, informing their actions, relationships, insight and sense of purpose.

This is the basis of the representation Singularity stands for.


The War in Ukraine