The War in Ukraine

Western media is clear about who is to blame for the war in Ukraine. 

Russian media is also clear.

Anyone who takes the time to look into the longer-term genesis of this conflict will discover that the situation is not so clear.

While those most tragically impacted by the war are the Ukrainian people (and the Russian people impacted by Western sanctions), there is not one obvious perpetrator here.

The Russians have invaded Ukraine with a bloody and violent onslaught of imposed force to topple the Ukrainian government for purposes that remain to be revealed.

The USA funded Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine in 2014 to topple the pro-Russian government, which they did successfully, which resulted in the rise of the pro-Western government that is now hanging by a thread.

Russia and its rulers have demonstrated brutal aggression, assassination attempts and censorship toward anyone whose views are deemed to be a possible threat to its autocratic regime (Sergei Skripal, Alexei Nivalny, Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, Georgia, Crimea…).

The USA has a list of attempted regime change operations in far away nations to support its own interests as long as your arm (Iran, Vietnam, Lebanon, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine…).

These atrocities are not equivalent. There are grades of injustice.

What they do represent is endless tribal warfare occurring between factions of the one humanity who is yet to surrender to the senior principle of our inherent unity.

Russia is demonstrating overt aggression.

The USA has long operated to protect its interests through covert aggression, which when deemed necessary has become overt (e.g. Iraq and the supposed WMDs).

The earth as a single living system of which humanity is just one part, does not have time for either right now.

Humanity is one.

This is obvious from the spiritual angle, the genetic angle, or simply by looking into the eyes of fathers from different races and cultures who have lost their children to war.

Life is one.

This is obvious from the spiritual angle, the biological angle, or simply by looking into the eye of a mother whale who is caring for her calf. 

Earth is one. 

This is obvious from the spiritual angle, the ecological angle, or simply by looking at the breath-taking images of our blue green planet that have been taken from space.

This unity is the senior principle that transcends, includes and penetrates all diverse expressions of humanity, life and the earth, regardless of how circumscribed and contracted any human being’s capacity to take it in may be.

There must be a day of reckoning where the warring tribes of humanity recognise and surrender to the reality of our inherent unity.

Not a unity that one day we may get to if everyone shows up nicely enough, but a unity that is already the case.

As long as this is not recognised, the intelligence and fierce grace of life will humble us, so as to eventually evoke that surrender and bring us into alignment with the truth of things.

There must arise social and political movements that recognise this singularity-principle and operate in alignment with it.

It is a radical move, but one that brings an entirely different frame to the fundamental issues of our time.

In Ukraine, starting with the singularity of humanity, life and earth would:

  • Dissolve anxious and aggressive preoccupations with national borders leaving only a celebration of diverse culture

  • Dissolve the aggressive tensions and power jostling between East and West

  • Dissolve the need for NATO expansionism and Russian threats against it

  • Dissolve the far-right fascist hate groups that have grown in Ukraine and the isolationist nationalism of the USA and Russia

  • Unite the Russian and Ukrainian people in healing the wounds now inflicted

  • Unite the Russian, Chinese and American people as great nations of the one humanity who have huge power to add to our collective flourishing

The foundation stone of this structure of violence must be removed.  

That stone is the illusion of separation.

In its place must be laid a new foundation stone.

One upon which one word is written.



True Power


Representing the Whole