True Power

Power has long been in humanity’s shadow.

It has been used to conquer, dominate, and control for millennia, which has fed into the separation-based paradigm that characterises our society today.

So often this has resulted in nation against nation, tribe against tribe, and people against people.

With the rise of global crises that lay bare our inescapable unity, the death of this separation-based paradigm is starting to ripple through our world.

In order for humanity and the earth to thrive, a new form of power must exist at the heart of our systems of governance, leadership and politics.

A power that plugs us into the whole, rather than being fought over by the parts.

True Power is sourced in the freedom of the human spirit.

It lives in all humanity, regardless of race, religion, culture, gender, or nationality.

This power does not need to be defended or fought for, but is innate and can be felt in the heart.

The portal to this power is giving our consent to the death of our agendas to avoid what each of us is truly here for, and aligning our will with the one humanity and earth.

Humanity is a singularity.

Life is a singularity.

Earth is a singularity.

We invite people into the reclamation of true power as the source for political engagement, sourced in the free choice to truly show up in our lives as an expression of the whole.

On that basis, Singularity works to empower the emergence of a radically new culture, anchored in a celebration of our essential unity, and its abundant diversity of expression.


The Overturning of Roe vs. Wade


The War in Ukraine